The wives of the bloodthirsty gods, 2020 |
detail of The wives of the bloodthirsty gods.
The wives of the bloodthirsty gods, 2020
The work departs from extracted images and texts published in 1951 at Brazilian Journal “O Cruzeiro”. Written by Arlindo Silva, with photos by José de Medeiros, the paper unravels for the first time in the big press several secrets of initiation processes at candomblé, Afro-Brazilian religion, and its publication was very controversial. Therefore, the choice to reproduce it cut and with the text backwards, creating a double mistery over this historical document. The photo-transfer technique mirrors the image, similar to what happens in the transe, when one becomes its back or receives another head. The work aludes to the candomblé houses own learning: what one is authorized to know and what needs more time to be unveiled.
Images of the work in progress
Images of the work in progress
Archive images
The wives of the bloodthirsty gods, 2020 |
detail of The wives of the bloodthirsty gods.
The wives of the bloodthirsty gods, 2020
The work departs from extracted images and texts published in 1951 at Brazilian Journal “O Cruzeiro”. Written by Arlindo Silva, with photos by José de Medeiros, the paper unravels for the first time in the big press several secrets of initiation processes at candomblé, Afro-Brazilian religion, and its publication was very controversial. Therefore, the choice to reproduce it cut and with the text backwards, creating a double mistery over this historical document. The photo-transfer technique mirrors the image, similar to what happens in the transe, when one becomes its back or receives another head. The work aludes to the candomblé houses own learning: what one is authorized to know and what needs more time to be unveiled.
Images of the work in progress
Images of the work in progress
Archive images