Ana Hupe (1983) is visual artist as well as Associate Researcher and Lecturer in Art History at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, Germany. She is a doctor in Fine Arts by Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a one-year PhD internship at University of the Arts (UdK), Berlin.
Hupe’s artistic practice is research-based and in dialogue with other disciplines and people. Her projects address economic and social disparities and rewrite histories of resistance in installations with plural narratives, attentive to blind spots of representations, building counter-memories to colonial archives. Topics that concern culture, ecology and spiritualities form her body of work, that employs a wide range of techniques and media, including lens-based media, writing, poetry, printmaking and sculpture.
Hupe took part at group exhibitions at various venues: RAI (Lagos, Nigeria); Lage Egal (Berlin); Savvy Contemporary (Berlin); M_Bassy (Hamburg); Haus am Kleistpark (Berlin); CCSP (São Paulo); MAM (Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo) and did solo shows at institutions like Galerie Bernau (Bernau by Berlin); Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil Rio de Janeiro, FUNDAJ, Recife, Paço das Artes, MIS (Sound and Image Museum, São Paulo).
She passed by many residencies: Kòbọmọjẹ́ Artist Residency (K-AiR, Ibadan, Nigera, 2024); Artista x Artista (Cuba, 2019); Vila Sul Goethe Institut (Brazil, 2018); Kunstkvarteret Lofoten (Norway, 2016); La Ene (Buenos Aires, 2013).
In 2023 she published "Footnotes to triangular cartographies", by K Verlag, Berlin.
Her works are at the public collections of ESCALA (Essex Contemporary Art Latin America, UK), Museum of Modern Art, MAM- Rio de Janeiro; Museum of Art Rio, MAR; IPHAN - RJ (Institute for National Historical and Artistic Inheritance, Brazil).
Instagram: @anahupe
Doctor in Visual Arts at PPGAV - UFRJ supervised by Prof. Dr. Tadeu Capistrano. One year research at Universität der Künste, Udk, Berlin, supervised by Prof. Dr. Hito Steyerl. Scholarship: Capes;
MA Fine Arts, UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro). Scholarship: Faperj. Supervised by Prof. Dr. Roberto Corrêa dos Santos;
Bachelor in social-communication, PUC-Rio;
2009 - 2013.
Part of the collective Opavivará!
> Poetry reading at Cervantes Institute Berlin, curated by Probador de Poesía (Regina Riveros and Angélica Freitas) and Barrio Berlin
> Poetry reading at Ex-Salon, Fuk's Bar, Berlin, curated by Timo Berger and Jorge Locane
> Kòbọmọjẹ́ Artist Residency (K-AiR), Ibadan, Nigeria
> Project funding Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
> Travel grant IFA for Benin, Ouidah Biennale
> DAAD Congress Scholarship for CIHA, Lyon
> Publication Funding VG-Bild-Kunst
> Mentoring Program for female artists and scientists, Udk Berlin;
> Goldrausch Program, Berlin;
> Research Stipendium Kunstfonds Stiftung Bonn
> Research Stipendium Berlin Senate 2021
> Exhibition Funding IFA 2020: for show in Nigeria;
> Künstlerkontakte IFA 2019: Research trip to Nigeria;
> Nominated to Prêmio Marcantonio Vilaça, 30 Brazilian artists nominated per year;
> Projektförderung Kulturamt Friedrichshain Kreuzberg for the exhibition Fire Faísca Funke;
> Prêmio Foco Art Rio, residency at Artista x Artista, Havana, Cuba;
> Residency Vila Sul, Goethe Institut, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil;
> Projektförderung Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Berlin;
> IV Concurso de residências artísticas, Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Pernambuco, Brazil;
> Temporada de projetos, Paço das Artes, São Paulo, Brazil;
> Residency Kunstkvarteret Lofoten, Norway;
> Greatmore House Art Studio, Cape Town, South Africa. Awarded by MINC (Ministry of Culture, Brazil);
> Prêmio Honra ao Mérito Arte e Patrimônio, Iphan. RJ , at Paço Imperial Museum, RJ.
Solo Exhibitions
01.08 - 06.09.24, Do Céu e da Pedra, Portas Vilaseca Gallery, Rio de Janeiro
> Footnotes to triangular cartographies, Lagos (RAI);
> A lot of future for one single memory, curated by Moacir dos Anjos, Joaquim Nabuco Foundation, Recife, PE, Brazil;
> The Women of the Fourth World, Gallery Mario Kreuzberg, Berlin;
> The Women of the Fourth World, Paço das Artes, MIS - Sound and Image Museum, São Paulo. Curated by Juliana Gontijo;
> (Re) readings to move the center, Centro Municipal de Arte Helio Oiticica, RJ. Text by Izabela Pucu;
> Leituras para mover o Centro (Readings to move the center), CCBB - RJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, award "Prêmio CCBB de arte contemporânea", curated by Natália Quinderé;
> Blurred Borders, Portas Vilaseca Gallery, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, text by Ana Teixeira Pinto;
> Entrelinha (In between the lines), Parque das Ruínas, Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, curated by Julieta Roitman and Milton Gurán, part of Fotorio Festival;
> O Verso, Ibeu Gallery, RJ, curator Bernardo Mosqueira;
> Mira intensamente las palavras hasta que desaparezcan, La Ene, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Group Exhibitions
> Zum Umzug, H4MM, Kreuzberg Berlin. Exhibition of visual poetry with Angélica Freitas, Valeska Brinkmann and Stephanie Fernandes;
> Betwixt & Between: Diasporic Visions of Liminal Spaces, Lage Egal, Berlin;
> EWÊ | OMÍ, Portas Vilaseca Galeria, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
> Part of program Echoes, Ortstermin Festival, Moabit, Berlin, curated by Ellen Martine Heuser.
> Part of Cultiver l’humilité (Cultivating Humility), Québec, Canada, ORANGE Triennal (collaboration with artist Barbara Marcel).
> Echoes of South Atlantic, organized by Goethe Institute, on line, curated by Ananya Jahanara Kabir, Fareda Khan;
> Cultiver l’humilité (Cultivating Humility), part of Orange Triennal, Québec, Canada, curated by Veronique Leblanc and Elise de la Plante;
> (04.06 - 04.07) Exhibition at Bernau Galerie, Bernau bei Berlin, curated by Friederiek Wieda;
> I never read, Artbook fair Basel, selection of works by Anna-Sophie Springer, K-Verlag;
> Berlinische Galerie Open Air,Ana Hupe and Barbara Marcel, curated by Nuno de Brito da Rocha;
> (09.11 - 29.11) Untold (Hi) stories, M. Bassy, Hamburg, Curator: Filipe Lippe;
> (22.10 - 08.12) Hydra, Goldrausch Künstlerinnen, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin. Curators: Kira Dell and Kerstin Honeit;
> (31.08 - 06.10) Soil is an inscribed body. On Sovereignty and Agropoetics. Savvy Contemporary, Berlin. Curators: Elena Agudio and Marleen Boschen;
> (12.09 - 20.10) Prêmio Marcantonio Villaça, MAB-FAAP, Sao Paulo, BR. Curator: Marcus Lontra;
> (25.05 - 16.06). Fire Faísca Funke. With Ana Hupe, Barbara Marcel and Marina Camargo. Mario Kreuzberg Gallery, Berlin. Text: Susanne Bauer;
> (Feb - Mar) Conversations in Gondwana, collective residence with Brazilian and South African artists at CCSP, São Paulo, Brazil; Curated by Juliana Gontijo and Juliana Caffé;
> Echoes of the South Atlantic, organized by Goethe - Institute, curated by Uriel Bezerra and Ines Linke, Salvador, Bahia;
> Fracturated Zones, projetct Conversations in Gondwana, presented at ISEA 2018, Durban, South Africa. Curated by Juliana Gontijo and Juliana Café;
> Primavera nos dentes, curated by Bernardo Mosqueira and Ulisses Carrillo, Galeria Lume, SP;
> O que vem com a Aurora, collective curated by Bernardo Mosqueira, at Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, SP;
> Residency CasaRio, RJ e Residency Gambiarra_Lab;
> Manuel Vason: intimate collaborations, Solyanka State Gallery, The 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Russia;
> Zentai Art Festival, at Singapore ICA gallery (LaSalle Earlu gallery), Singapore;
> TXT, Casamata, Rio de Janeiro, RJ;
> SP-arte, stand of Portas Vilaseca Gallery, São Paulo, SP, Brazil;
> Ver e ser Visto, cur. Guilherme Gutman, MAM-RJ, Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil;
> Pra começar, cur. Jaime Vilaseca, Portas Vilaseca Gallery, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil;
> Transnational Dialogues, exhibition at Kreuzberger Pavillon, Berlin;
> Novas Aquisições, at Musem of Modern Art Rio de Janeiro;
> Virei Viral, at CCBB, RJ, M'baraká;
> Residence Becoming an Image, with photographer Manuel Vason, at Instituto Hilda Hilst, Campinas, SP;
> Mostra Performatus, curators Paulo da Mata and Tales Frey, at Central Galeria de Arte, SP;
-> Premiére Vision, SP and Paris, developed a piece together with artist Caroline Valansi, curator Olivia Cunha;
> Projecto Múltiplo, curator Paula Borghi, CCSP;
> Residence at La Ene, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
> Vênus-Terra, curator Bernardo Mosqueira, Teatro Ipanema, RJ;
> Cotidiano sensitivo, by Ricardo Brazileiro, Centro Cultural dos Correios, Recife, PE, Brazil;
> FIO: Galeria Lunara, Usina do Gasômetro, Porto Alegre, RS. Exhibition together with artist Mayra Martins Redin. Organized by: Bernardo de Souza;
> Deslocamento F (r) icção, Palácio Gustavo Capanema;
> Sp-Arte. Trepa-trepa no campo expandido. Curator Bernardo Mosqueira;
> Vênus - Terra. Curator Bernardo Mosqueira. TAC Gallery- Shopping da Gávea and Galpão TAC - Rua Mem de Sá, Lapa, RJ;
> Participation at Performance Arte Brasil, MAM-RJ, with performance “Dress Nude” (Daniel Toledo), curator Daniela Labra;
> Curator of the film festival “Claire Denis”, Caixa Cultural, RJ and cinema P.F. Gastal, Porto Alegre;
> Liberdade é pouco, o que desejo ainda não tem nome, curator Bernardo Mosqueira.
Ana Hupe (1983) is visual artist as well as Associate Researcher and Lecturer in Art History at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, Germany. She is a doctor in Fine Arts by Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a one-year PhD internship at University of the Arts (UdK), Berlin.
Hupe’s artistic practice is research-based and in dialogue with other disciplines and people. Her projects address economic and social disparities and rewrite histories of resistance in installations with plural narratives, attentive to blind spots of representations, building counter-memories to colonial archives. Topics that concern culture, ecology and spiritualities form her body of work, that employs a wide range of techniques and media, including lens-based media, writing, poetry, printmaking and sculpture.
Hupe took part at group exhibitions at various venues: RAI (Lagos, Nigeria); Lage Egal (Berlin); Savvy Contemporary (Berlin); M_Bassy (Hamburg); Haus am Kleistpark (Berlin); CCSP (São Paulo); MAM (Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo) and did solo shows at institutions like Galerie Bernau (Bernau by Berlin); Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil Rio de Janeiro, FUNDAJ, Recife, Paço das Artes, MIS (Sound and Image Museum, São Paulo).
She passed by many residencies: Kòbọmọjẹ́ Artist Residency (K-AiR, Ibadan, Nigera, 2024); Artista x Artista (Cuba, 2019); Vila Sul Goethe Institut (Brazil, 2018); Kunstkvarteret Lofoten (Norway, 2016); La Ene (Buenos Aires, 2013).
In 2023 she published "Footnotes to triangular cartographies", by K Verlag, Berlin.
Her works are at the public collections of ESCALA (Essex Contemporary Art Latin America, UK), Museum of Modern Art, MAM- Rio de Janeiro; Museum of Art Rio, MAR; IPHAN - RJ (Institute for National Historical and Artistic Inheritance, Brazil).
Instagram: @anahupe
Doctor in Visual Arts at PPGAV - UFRJ supervised by Prof. Dr. Tadeu Capistrano. One year research at Universität der Künste, Udk, Berlin, supervised by Prof. Dr. Hito Steyerl. Scholarship: Capes;
MA Fine Arts, UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro). Scholarship: Faperj. Supervised by Prof. Dr. Roberto Corrêa dos Santos;
Bachelor in social-communication, PUC-Rio;
2009 - 2013.
Part of the collective Opavivará!
> Poetry reading at Cervantes Institute Berlin, curated by Probador de Poesía (Regina Riveros and Angélica Freitas) and Barrio Berlin
> Poetry reading at Ex-Salon, Fuk's Bar, Berlin, curated by Timo Berger and Jorge Locane
> Kòbọmọjẹ́ Artist Residency (K-AiR), Ibadan, Nigeria
> Project funding Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
> Travel grant IFA for Benin, Ouidah Biennale
> DAAD Congress Scholarship for CIHA, Lyon
> Publication Funding VG-Bild-Kunst
> Mentoring Program for female artists and scientists, Udk Berlin;
> Goldrausch Program, Berlin;
> Research Stipendium Kunstfonds Stiftung Bonn
> Research Stipendium Berlin Senate 2021
> Exhibition Funding IFA 2020: for show in Nigeria;
> Künstlerkontakte IFA 2019: Research trip to Nigeria;
> Nominated to Prêmio Marcantonio Vilaça, 30 Brazilian artists nominated per year;
> Projektförderung Kulturamt Friedrichshain Kreuzberg for the exhibition Fire Faísca Funke;
> Prêmio Foco Art Rio, residency at Artista x Artista, Havana, Cuba;
> Residency Vila Sul, Goethe Institut, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil;
> Projektförderung Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Berlin;
> IV Concurso de residências artísticas, Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Pernambuco, Brazil;
> Temporada de projetos, Paço das Artes, São Paulo, Brazil;
> Residency Kunstkvarteret Lofoten, Norway;
> Greatmore House Art Studio, Cape Town, South Africa. Awarded by MINC (Ministry of Culture, Brazil);
> Prêmio Honra ao Mérito Arte e Patrimônio, Iphan. RJ , at Paço Imperial Museum, RJ.
Solo Exhibitions
01.08 - 06.09.24, Do Céu e da Pedra, Portas Vilaseca Gallery, Rio de Janeiro
> Footnotes to triangular cartographies, Lagos (RAI);
> A lot of future for one single memory, curated by Moacir dos Anjos, Joaquim Nabuco Foundation, Recife, PE, Brazil;
> The Women of the Fourth World, Gallery Mario Kreuzberg, Berlin;
> The Women of the Fourth World, Paço das Artes, MIS - Sound and Image Museum, São Paulo. Curated by Juliana Gontijo;
> (Re) readings to move the center, Centro Municipal de Arte Helio Oiticica, RJ. Text by Izabela Pucu;
> Leituras para mover o Centro (Readings to move the center), CCBB - RJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, award "Prêmio CCBB de arte contemporânea", curated by Natália Quinderé;
> Blurred Borders, Portas Vilaseca Gallery, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, text by Ana Teixeira Pinto;
> Entrelinha (In between the lines), Parque das Ruínas, Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, curated by Julieta Roitman and Milton Gurán, part of Fotorio Festival;
> O Verso, Ibeu Gallery, RJ, curator Bernardo Mosqueira;
> Mira intensamente las palavras hasta que desaparezcan, La Ene, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Group Exhibitions
> Zum Umzug, H4MM, Kreuzberg Berlin. Exhibition of visual poetry with Angélica Freitas, Valeska Brinkmann and Stephanie Fernandes;
> Betwixt & Between: Diasporic Visions of Liminal Spaces, Lage Egal, Berlin;
> EWÊ | OMÍ, Portas Vilaseca Galeria, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
> Part of program Echoes, Ortstermin Festival, Moabit, Berlin, curated by Ellen Martine Heuser.
> Part of Cultiver l’humilité (Cultivating Humility), Québec, Canada, ORANGE Triennal (collaboration with artist Barbara Marcel).
> Echoes of South Atlantic, organized by Goethe Institute, on line, curated by Ananya Jahanara Kabir, Fareda Khan;
> Cultiver l’humilité (Cultivating Humility), part of Orange Triennal, Québec, Canada, curated by Veronique Leblanc and Elise de la Plante;
> (04.06 - 04.07) Exhibition at Bernau Galerie, Bernau bei Berlin, curated by Friederiek Wieda;
> I never read, Artbook fair Basel, selection of works by Anna-Sophie Springer, K-Verlag;
> Berlinische Galerie Open Air,Ana Hupe and Barbara Marcel, curated by Nuno de Brito da Rocha;
> (09.11 - 29.11) Untold (Hi) stories, M. Bassy, Hamburg, Curator: Filipe Lippe;
> (22.10 - 08.12) Hydra, Goldrausch Künstlerinnen, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin. Curators: Kira Dell and Kerstin Honeit;
> (31.08 - 06.10) Soil is an inscribed body. On Sovereignty and Agropoetics. Savvy Contemporary, Berlin. Curators: Elena Agudio and Marleen Boschen;
> (12.09 - 20.10) Prêmio Marcantonio Villaça, MAB-FAAP, Sao Paulo, BR. Curator: Marcus Lontra;
> (25.05 - 16.06). Fire Faísca Funke. With Ana Hupe, Barbara Marcel and Marina Camargo. Mario Kreuzberg Gallery, Berlin. Text: Susanne Bauer;
> (Feb - Mar) Conversations in Gondwana, collective residence with Brazilian and South African artists at CCSP, São Paulo, Brazil; Curated by Juliana Gontijo and Juliana Caffé;
> Echoes of the South Atlantic, organized by Goethe - Institute, curated by Uriel Bezerra and Ines Linke, Salvador, Bahia;
> Fracturated Zones, projetct Conversations in Gondwana, presented at ISEA 2018, Durban, South Africa. Curated by Juliana Gontijo and Juliana Café;
> Primavera nos dentes, curated by Bernardo Mosqueira and Ulisses Carrillo, Galeria Lume, SP;
> O que vem com a Aurora, collective curated by Bernardo Mosqueira, at Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, SP;
> Residency CasaRio, RJ e Residency Gambiarra_Lab;
> Manuel Vason: intimate collaborations, Solyanka State Gallery, The 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Russia;
> Zentai Art Festival, at Singapore ICA gallery (LaSalle Earlu gallery), Singapore;
> TXT, Casamata, Rio de Janeiro, RJ;
> SP-arte, stand of Portas Vilaseca Gallery, São Paulo, SP, Brazil;
> Ver e ser Visto, cur. Guilherme Gutman, MAM-RJ, Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil;
> Pra começar, cur. Jaime Vilaseca, Portas Vilaseca Gallery, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil;
> Transnational Dialogues, exhibition at Kreuzberger Pavillon, Berlin;
> Novas Aquisições, at Musem of Modern Art Rio de Janeiro;
> Virei Viral, at CCBB, RJ, M'baraká;
> Residence Becoming an Image, with photographer Manuel Vason, at Instituto Hilda Hilst, Campinas, SP;
> Mostra Performatus, curators Paulo da Mata and Tales Frey, at Central Galeria de Arte, SP;
-> Premiére Vision, SP and Paris, developed a piece together with artist Caroline Valansi, curator Olivia Cunha;
> Projecto Múltiplo, curator Paula Borghi, CCSP;
> Residence at La Ene, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
> Vênus-Terra, curator Bernardo Mosqueira, Teatro Ipanema, RJ;
> Cotidiano sensitivo, by Ricardo Brazileiro, Centro Cultural dos Correios, Recife, PE, Brazil;
> FIO: Galeria Lunara, Usina do Gasômetro, Porto Alegre, RS. Exhibition together with artist Mayra Martins Redin. Organized by: Bernardo de Souza;
> Deslocamento F (r) icção, Palácio Gustavo Capanema;
> Sp-Arte. Trepa-trepa no campo expandido. Curator Bernardo Mosqueira;
> Vênus - Terra. Curator Bernardo Mosqueira. TAC Gallery- Shopping da Gávea and Galpão TAC - Rua Mem de Sá, Lapa, RJ;
> Participation at Performance Arte Brasil, MAM-RJ, with performance “Dress Nude” (Daniel Toledo), curator Daniela Labra;
> Curator of the film festival “Claire Denis”, Caixa Cultural, RJ and cinema P.F. Gastal, Porto Alegre;
> Liberdade é pouco, o que desejo ainda não tem nome, curator Bernardo Mosqueira.